Personality, Affinity and Interaction

QUAZR captures the interaction of people and reveals what makes for successful relationships.


What makes someone the Best Match?

You won’t find the answer in a person’s CV or past positions. This is because past work experience does not allow a reliable prediction of future performance. A well-founded view of affinities and interaction preferences, on the other hand, equips you with the relevant information for promising personnel decisions and developments.



at a glance


Find the right employees who fit the job and the company professionally and personally.

Save valuable resources

Retain employees by managing them according to their personalities and by setting the right incentives.

High level management teams and executives

Put employees in the right place systemically to increase performance and satisfaction.


Challenges and issues
to the new world of work

In recent years, the world of work has changed radically: “New Work Models” such as home office and decentralized work meet diverse and complex teams. Demographic and socio-political developments are leading to a shortage of skilled workers and managers in an increasing number of industries.

Increasing fluctuation as well as unfilled and wrongly filled positions cost time, money and competitive advantages.

The “war for talent” is fought out with complex and expensive recruiting. Fruit baskets, flexible working hours and team events are designed to attract and retain key personnel.

In addition to professional qualities, each of us brings an individual bundle of affinities to the table: What is important to us? How do we want to communicate? What motivates us?

When it comes to collaboration, this bundle of affinities is the key to fast and long-term success for individuals, teams, and thus for the entire company.


Average fluctuation costs per position


Employees leave the company within the first two years.


Fluctuation rate for key personnel


Fluctuation rate among employees without management experience


Focus on
successful relations

The right constellation of personalities creates personal, collective and economic growth.

The QUAZR profile shows you...


Four steps to success

QUAZR analyzes the interactions of people by revealing and mashing affinities. You will learn what makes someone the right choice for a position. In addition, you can see which people are ideally deployed in which position.

Target profile

Search specifically for the right personality for the role to be filled. Create your custom affinity matrix or get AI-powered suggestions based on comparable best practices.

Personality profile

Send candidates or employees the link to the QUAZR questionnaire. You can view the finished and evaluated profiles immediately and at any time.

Systemic Mapping

Select which profiles should be compared with each other: Candidate profiles with your target profile, partner profiles, profiles of a team or your organization.


QUAZR creates automatic rankings for you with the best profile matches. Additionally, create new benchmarks from high-performance partners and teams with just one click.


at a glance


QUAZR draws on a large data set of profiles and best matches. This way you get the best selection, without bias.

15 minutes

186 questions can be answered in 15 minutes, you get a personality profile that shows you all relevant characteristics.


With QUAZR, you have access to all results anytime and anywhere, regardless of whether you are in the office or on the road using your smartphone.


Order an additional target profile, applicant:inside profile or new matching whenever you need it.


360° Vision

To find the right person for an open position, look at them on three levels: How well does she fill the role? What personality traits should it have? Does the system enrich you?

Viewing the 3 levels in interaction

QUAZR not only provides you with a personality profile that can be matched with your specifications. See personality-relevant aspects for your work environment and specific collaboration: QUAZR makes needs and affinities of interacting individuals visible and relates them.

Unique methodology

The basis for the QUAZR personality profile is the “SACRED Code”. It interrogates unconscious thought and behavior patterns relevant to the world of work and is based on the latest scientific findings from brain research, neuroscience, developmental and behavioral psychology, and communication and cognitive sciences.

You will receive valuable information about potentials and strengths, motives as well as the individual communication and work style.

Matching in its entire scope

The great strength of QUAZR lies in its multifaceted systemic matching. Not only can you match two profiles, but teams and entire companies can be represented and analyzed. Our own benchmarks and a large database of successful constellations help you to make particularly promising personnel decisions.

Results, explanations and recommendations are presented clearly and understandably.


QUAZR enriches all areas of your HR

Systemic and holistic HR development. The neuroscientifically based target profile and actual profile as well as systemic matching and benchmark open up new possibilities for you from the recruiting process to personnel management to personnel and management development.



We work with the best in their field

Our aspiration is nothing less than software that focuses on people and their behavior in order to provide them with optimal support by means of AI-supported analyses. From the idea to development and ongoing quality control, we work with industry-leading experts to achieve this.

Human Factors Department

Software development

Methodological management of software projects


Interdisciplinary team of experts with expertise and passion


Cindy Luisser-Haller, M.A.

Branding and neuromarketing expert, strategy and business developer, business coach. Developer of the QUAZR Personality Check.


Gerhard Handler

Entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor focused on digital transformation with 30 years of international industry experience in the digital economy.


Frederik Gustaffson, B.Sc.

Senior developer and team leader with 20 years of experience in medical, e-commerce and software automation.


Mag. Lenka Recek

Marketing, PR and communications expert with 23 years of experience for start-ups and Saas companies, among others.


Get in touch

QUAZR develops with and for companies that have recognized the importance of a new approach to HR. Let's focus together on personality and the interaction of team members and thus set the course for a successful future.

    Learn more about the possibilities with QUAZR in your company.

    As a client.

    As a sponsor.

    As a partner.