About Us

The people behind QUAZR


To ensure good relationships and success in the world of work

We are an Austrian company based in Vienna. Our core team consists of interdisciplinary experts with many years of experience at home and abroad.


Cindy Luisser-Haller, M-A.

Branding & neuromarketing expert, strategy and business developer, business coach. Mental coach.

Developer of the QUAZR Personality Check

15 years of personality analysis

10+ years coaching self-employed and executives (more than 1.500 clients)

30 years of personality development

If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you can analyse it, you can manage it.

If you love it, you master it.


Gerhard Handler

Entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor focused on digital transformation with 30 years of international industry experience in the digital economy.


Frederik Gustaffson, B.Sc.

20 years senior developer and team leader in the fields of medicine, e-commerce and software automation.


Mag. Lenka Recek

23 years of marketing, PR and communication for start-ups and Saas companies, among others.


We work with the best in their field

Human Factors Department

As an internationally positioned research company, Joanneum Reseach occupies a key position in technology and knowledge transfer and offers solutions and technologies for business, industry and the public sector. The Human Factors Laboratory focuses on people and their behaviour in order to optimally adapt technical systems to people by means of AI-supported analysis.

Software development

Decidio offers IT consulting services in the areas of custom software development, IT infrastructure, rapid prototyping, as well as technology implementation. Our expertise is drawn from extensive experience in development and operations of enterprise-class software solutions.

Methodological management of software projects

netwiss OG is a research and development company in the field of product development in the mobility sector. In this context, netwiss has specialised primarily in the methodologically up-to-date handling of R&D projects.

Let’s make wonders

We are convinced that QUAZR is a gamechanger for meeting current and future challenges in the world of work. You want to become part of our successful project as an investor? We would be happy to send you our pitch deck and work out possibilities for cooperation together.